The human mind exhibits immense plasticity where most organisms on Earth are equipped with genetic programming hardwired into their nervous systems. The number of states a human brain is capable of producing through electrochemical communication of neuronal cells via synapses is greater than the total number of elementary particles in the entire universe!
The architecture, organization and neural patterns of the brain is that of a pulsating symmetrical universe in itself. A sphere of vast and highly complex networks of infinite interconnections spanning across space and time at every level, resonant with the nature of knowledge. All that we know, and all that we are, comes from the configuration of our neuronal connections.
Knowledge, the universe, and the structure of our brain share symmetry, a network of nodal points that is incorporated into an infinite possibility of relationships. There are configurations of thought patterns that have never been achieved by humans in the history of the species. Mankind is at the nexus of a new stage of development. A point in which one can directly influence his or her evolution. In every life comes a time of ultimate challenge; you either take the opportunity to evolve or you allow these experiences to destroy you.
The Greeks originated the liberating idea that memory; and mental performance of all aspects of cognition could be trained. A trained memory is vitally important; and the manipulation of images in memory involves the entire psyche. Methods for enhancing cognition which improves the brain’s performance are regular physical and mental exercise and challenge. Rich and varied experiences develops dense nerve cell connections. A stimulating and challenging environment produces a dramatic increase in nerve cell connections. And synaptic activity will increase across the hemispheres of the brain; increasing intelligence and overall performance.
Your brain is the source of everything that you will accomplish. The gateway of all sensations and experiences. A dynamic structure that improves with challenge and novel stimulation. By exercising your brain’s inherent powers you can achieve more of the things that you desire. The more you learn how your brain functions, allows you to utilize your intellectual capabilities most efficiently, optimize mental performance, and gain enormous control over your mind and body to achieve personal power and success. Increasing, strengthening, and enhancing cognitive functioning is healthy and pleasurable. Learn how to operate your brain’s functions most efficiently, optimize your intellectual capabilities, and accomplish more in your life than you ever dreamed possible.
Musical training - stimulates and enhances the cerebellum and encodes fine-motor-control patterns and links directly with the cerebrum where musical knowledge is stored. Widely dispersed interconnected brain areas are activated while concentrating on rhythm, melody, harmony, and subtleties of musical composition. Rhythm is processed adjacent to centers for pattern and order. Listening to pleasant music activates parts of the frontal lobes and limbic cortex, synchronizing the hemispheres. Music taps into an inherent structure in the brain strengthening reasoning and thinking faculties that develop the ability to engage in multilevel and creative thinking.
Conscious attention - activates extensive areas of the brain including higher cognitive areas like the prefrontal lobes. Rendering the most routine task novel once again. The brain thrives on novelty! Transform the most routine tasks into novel and challenging endeavors. When you need the tasks to be automatic you can allow the subcortex to take control and benefit from your mind being perfectly trained.
Your thoughts at every moment of your life affect brain functioning and biochemistry. Extensive portions of the brain can be stimulated and recruited into action whenever you concentrate completely on whatever activity you are engaged in.
Fun Facts About The Human Brain
- The average human brain weighs about 3 pounds.
- The average elephant brain weighs 13 pounds.
- The average whale brain weighs 19 pounds.
Our brains definitely are not the largest in the animal kingdom. However, the human brain is an amazing instrument.
The difference between us and the average toad is that we have a highly developed cerebrum. Less developed life forms have smooth looking brains. Our brains are wrinkled. The layer that covers our cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex, this is the part that looks wrinkled. The cerebral cortex contains 70% of the neurons in our entire central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The cerebral cortex is only 1 tenth of an inch thick.
Our brains are split into two halves called hemispheres. The hemispheres are called:~The left brain hemisphere ~ The right brain hemisphere
The left side of the brain focuses The right side of the brain gets the big
on the small details. picture.
Examples please?
The phrase, a stitch in time saves nine.
The phrase, a stitch in time saves nine.
When the left side of your brain hears this phrase it thinks this phrase is about sewing. When the right side of the brain hears this phrase it thinks a small effort now, saves time later.
D When the left side of the brain sees this picture it sees a group of D's.
D When the right side sees this picture it sees the L.
In addition to the cerebral cortex being divided into hemispheres it is also divided into sections called lobes.
The first set of lobes are called the frontal lobes, they are associated with higher mental abilities such as:
-Reasoning, logic and planning
-Sense of smell
-Motor control
The second set of lobes are called the parietal lobes, they are associated with sensations such as:
The third set of lobes are called the temporal lobes, they are associated with:
The fourth set of lobes are called the occipital lobes, they are associated with:
Just below the lobes is where the cerebellum is located, the cerebellum is responsible for:
-Muscle tone
-Memory of skills and habits
Balancing the efforts of the hemispheres - and thus enhancing mental endurance can be done via exercises that emphasize balance and coordination, activating the cerebellum.-Reasoning, logic and planning
-Sense of smell
-Motor control
The second set of lobes are called the parietal lobes, they are associated with sensations such as:
The third set of lobes are called the temporal lobes, they are associated with:
The fourth set of lobes are called the occipital lobes, they are associated with:
Just below the lobes is where the cerebellum is located, the cerebellum is responsible for:
-Muscle tone
-Memory of skills and habits
Proactively seek and adopt positive, inspiring, motivating, and uplifting; thoughts, emotions, and experiences - to be exposed and resonate it’s empowering vibrational energy so that you will have a constant supply available. Allowing you to feel energized and capable of using your brain’s resources most effectively and effortlessly. You can then let your brain operate autonomously without any need to control it’s operation, taking advantage of the innate intuitive abilities. It is vitally important to keep your brain active, challenged, and curious! Feelings can exert powerful effects on the composition of our inner landscape… Avoid cerebral stagnation!
Abraham Maslow developed the concept of self-actualized human potential, using all capacities and resources to achieve peak performance. The Universe is a hologram of energy patterns and codes that manifests reality by resonating thought waves. The information and power of the Universe can be accessed with your higher consciousness. Human brain activity can contact and influence a wide range of energy systems within the physical world.
Levels of the human psyche are sensory, psychological, symbolic, and spiritual. The human psyche is built of archetypes including a database of universal symbols of the collective consciousness at the cellular level. Consciously directed alpha wave activity enables intuition to work simultaneously with logical rationality of beta thinking increasing connectivity between brain hemispheres.
According to Carl Jung the four primary mental functions are intuition, reason, emotion, and sensation. Intuition is invoked to detect the meaning of subconscious motives, situation dynamics, and symbolic imagery. In order to invoke intuition effectively you need to learn how to enter a state of relaxed attention.
Meditation - allows you to quickly shift into the alpha state, opening the gateway to your subconscious centers, bypassing the constant stream of mental distractions.
Higher wisdom must be filtered through intuitive symbolism of the subconscious mind. The gateway to the psychic receptivity state is the relaxed alpha thinking where intuition becomes accessible to the conscious mind.
In the dream world I am always a genius, have superior strength, and can summon immortal powers. And I have always assumed that the dream was just a construct of my own creation. But I have an intuitive belief that the dream is my true self, trying to rise from the deeper consciousness of my mind.
Achieving genius is accomplished by increasing neurological contact and utilizing the power of the subconscious mind. To function at peak performance, the whole mind needs to be synchronized. The logical conscious mind directs the subconscious on the path. Gives order to the constant chaos of infinite and random creativity. The true power of the human mind is just beginning to be realized as our evolution unfolds onto the next leap forward.
The holographic nature of the mind, and the universe enables boundaries to be bent; others to be broken. Our thoughts are infinite and boundless, creating our world according to the patterns deep within the consciousness of the human mind.
“Whatever the mind conceives and believes is achieved.”
Story - is powerful and primal, whether entranced by dancing flames. They bring us home to the hearth of our true nature while relationships spark and crackle. And as the ancients knew all too well, life is a dance of constantly changing states, energies, frequencies, and vibrations. We naturally resonate to the emotion and tone of a story.
Immortality is simply a state of mind. If you want to change your life, you must change your thoughts. Go deep within your mind and connect with the source that gave birth to the universe, the infinite of energy and possibilities. Time is an illusion and the perception of reality is a construct of the mind. A plasmic holographic energy field permeates and surrounds the physical. There is no experience of existence without thought. And the deeper your thoughts, the more powerful the experience.
Ascended beings possess a deep and curious, loving connection to sentient life forms. The Carl Jung collective unconsciousness is a phenomenon of the human psyche, which all myths are based. Any scientific exploration can never adequately explain the supernormal abilities of the mind. Since the time man evolved higher consciousness, God; the creative energy of the universe has been available and channeled to shape and command reality as one’s vision of perfection. The ascended beings known as Krishna, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Dalai Lama; manifested in this realm several times throughout the ages to guide the infant mind of mankind to a state of nirvana or luminous consciousness.
“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.” – Lao Tzu
“This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.” – Dalai Lama
Mindscape or Terra Incognita is a continuum where reality and imagination imperceptibly coalesce and merge.
The psyche of the universal mind is in a state of turbulence and disturbance of our species. Vast noncorporeal entities inhabit the higher vibratory realms. Spirituality is the driving force of evolution! Our emotionally charged and potent beliefs create a temporal rift or tear in space-time bridging parallel universes in the super holographic multiverse. The most ancient and primal mind. A frequency domain also known as the dreamtime, land of the dead, underworld, afterlife, other side, implicate, invisible realm of gods and heavens, ultimate reality, and transcendent reality.
To confuse the indivisible nature of reality with the conceptual limitations of language is the fundamental ignorance mankind will learn to be free from. Each reality is a Sahara causing the sentient beings that inhabit them to reach out with their minds from the physical realm; Are we alone in the universe? Only when their thoughts have matured to pure consciousness will they be able to safely interact completely with the community of the frequency domain.
The nonlocal nature of the holographic universe allows the center to be everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. A multidimensional network of jewels, each one reflecting all others ad infinitum, a dynamic and constant holomovement of a cosmic interconnected matrix where all things in the universe are one.
A computer that relies on interference patterns of light passing through multiplexed holographic processors is an analog of the human brain’s neural structure. The optical memory also exhibits associative recall.
Survival of the human race is uncertain, through the ages and spanning across cultures, the primordial explosion, an ancient memory. An evolutionary thrust toward higher consciousness for all humanity. Exponential leaps from one species into another. Human consciousness began as a ripple that decided to leave the ocean of the collective, timeless, spaceless, infinite, and eternal consciousness.
Awakening - to itself, the memory of the connection with the infinite ocean faded, and so began to feel its isolation and separation. The evolutionary fires are beginning to flicker and dance through our collective psyche. This is your wake-up call, the trumpet has blown! The illusion of the material world is nearing its end. Are you willing to leave this dream of flesh and bone, to return to your true self?