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0.1 -  0.5  Epsilon
Extraordinary states of consciousness, deep states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, inspirational breakthroughs, spiritual insights, and out-of-body experiences.

0.5 - 4  Delta
Deep dreamless sleep, trance, hypnosis, lucid dreaming, euphoria, tranquility and peace, balance and harmony, profound relaxation, restorative sleep, rejuvenation, increased immune functions, anti-aging, reduces cortisol; increases DHEA, human growth hormone, melatonin, and endogenous opiates creates an entrainment stimulation network across the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands.

Associated with unconscious mind, intuition, empathetic attunement, miracle healing, divine knowledge, inner being, personal growth, rebirth, trauma recovery, being at one with the universe, and near death experiences.

4 - 8  Theta
Deep relaxation, Zen meditation, guided meditation, lucid dreaming, reverie, vivid mental imagery, creative visualization, accelerated learning, hypnagogic state, access to subconscious imagery and symbolism, psychic receptivity state, balance of sodium and potassium levels, mental clarity, twilight sleep learning, behavior modification, rhythmic frontal lobe activity, somatic responses; increased memory, learning, focus, attention, concentration, creativity, awareness, problem solving ability, arousal, and sex drive.

7.8  Schumann Resonance
Feeling of being centered or grounded, Earth’s resonant frequency, extra sensory projection, psychic healing, and revitalization.

8 - 14      Alpha
Alert relaxation, calm, creative and positive thinking, super learning, mood elevation, stress reduction, intuitive insights, motivation, daydreaming, the “juice” of life, mind/body integration, floating sensations, the flow state, in the zone, and the gateway to the meditative mind ~ connects the conscious and subconscious mind.

Enhanced memory and  intelligence, release of serotonin, increased norepinephrine, clarity, centered, prevents seizures, synchronizes circadian rhythm, language learning, and improved reading speed.

14  Sensorimotor Rhythm
People with epilepsy can benefit from increased SMR activity.

14 - 20  Beta
Logical, analytical, and intellectual thinking, verbal communication, and runners high, safe LSD-25 effects.

20 - 40   
States of peak performance.

Marijuana effects.

40+  Gamma
Bursts of precognition or high-level information processing.

Gamma brain waves are considered the brain’s optimal frequency of functioning. Gamma brain waves are commonly associated with increased levels of compassion, feelings of happiness, and optimal brain functioning. Gamma brain waves are associated with a conscious awareness of reality and increased mental abilities. Gamma brain waves range from the frequency of 38 Hz - 70 Hz and have a tiny amplitude. Gamma brain waves can be found in virtually every part of the brain. They serve as a binding mechanism between all parts of the brain and help to improve memory and perception.

Boosted memory - High amounts of gamma brain waves have been associated with a boosted memory and ability to recall past events. The 40 Hz gamma frequency has been associated with a well-regulated memory.

Enhanced perception of reality - Gamma brain waves can provide you with an enhanced overall perception of reality and understanding of consciousness. Because gamma brain waves can be found in virtually every part of the brain, it allows all parts of the brain to communicate. Through their communication, your reality and perception is formed.

Binding of senses - The gamma brainwave is what allows us to experience: smell, touch, vision, taste, and hearing altogether. It allows our brain to process multiple sensations at the same time and allows us to identify environmental forms of stimulation. It also improves our overall perception of our senses by enhancing our levels of focus.

Increased compassion - Advanced meditation practices and yogic traditions have associated the gamma brainwave frequency range with a pure state of compassion. Richard Davidson hooked long-time meditators up to an EEG at the University of Wisconsin Madison and found that the more meditation experience a person had, a higher amount of gamma brainwave was displayed. Since most people aren’t able to cultivate a pure state of compassion like many monks, they may not ever understand or feel the wonderment of the gamma brainwave range.

High-level information processing - Gamma brain waves are associated with high-level information processing in the brain. Basically, the brain is able to operate more efficiently at a higher level. Thoughts are easily processed and the brain is able to easily absorb and understand new information and changes in one’s environment.

Natural antidepressant - The gamma brainwave is a known natural antidepressant. Not only does it increase our level of compassion for others, it boosts our overall levels of happiness. Many people claim that listening to the gamma brainwave while meditating has proved to be extremely effective at completely eliminating their depression. The gamma brainwave decreases during stress, anxiety, and cases of depression.  People with depression, the amount of gamma brainwave tends to be much lower than average.

Advanced learning ability - Since gamma has been associated with a higher level of information processing, quicker thinking, and an enhanced perception of reality, people with high amounts of gamma brain waves tend to have an advanced learning ability. People with learning disabilities, ADD, and those under a lot of stress, tend to have a significantly smaller amount of the gamma brainwave than others.

Intelligence (I.Q.) Increase - The gamma brainwave has been associated with higher than average levels of intelligence. People with lower I.Q.’s and learning disabilities tend to have very low amounts of gamma brainwave compared to smarter individuals. Increasing your gamma brainwave, especially 40 Hz, will probably correlate with at least a slight intelligence increase.

Higher energy levels - Higher brainwave frequencies in the beta and gamma brainwave ranges correlate with increased physical and mental energy. Since the gamma brainwave range is among the highest of known brainwave frequencies, it definitely will give your energy level a jolt upwards. If you currently have low amounts of energy, consider increasing your brain’s gamma brain waves.

High level of focus - The mind is extremely focused on just one thought while in the gamma brainwave range. It is important to cultivate a high level of focus in order to efficiently complete tasks and succeed in the world. Sustaining a high level of focus can be done easily by increasing the amount of 40 Hz gamma activity in the brain.

Improved perception / consciousness - Gamma brain waves have been linked to improved perception of reality and the ability to be aware of one’s consciousness. Gamma brain waves are very powerful and may feel like quite an awakening to increase if you don’t have much natural gamma activity. Advanced meditators have much more gamma activity than the average person which is why it is easy for them to control and understand their state of consciousness.

Advanced Meditators - Advanced meditators tend to have a large amount of gamma brainwave activity compared to non-meditators. The amount of gamma brainwave and its amplitude increases as one’s ability to go deeper into meditation increases. Though most meditation practices increase the amount of slow brain waves in the alpha and theta range, the gamma brainwave frequency increases as well. The gamma brainwave is what allows meditators to distinguish the alpha, and possibly theta ranges. As you are able to gain more meditation experience, you’ll learn to naturally boost your gamma brainwave activity. Research has shown that the more experience you have with meditation, the more gamma brainwave activity you’ll display.

Peak Performers - Peak performers tend to have large amounts of gamma brainwave activity compared to others. Though alpha bursts in the left hemisphere has been scientifically proven to be linked to peak performance, gamma brainwave activity is suggested to be essential to performing at an optimal level. If you are interested in manipulating your brainwave patterns to help create a state of peak performance, you may want to try alpha and gamma and be the judge as to which one works better. Several brainwave training regimens claim it is best to use alpha for visualization several hours before your sporting event, then the gamma brainwave around 30 min. - 1 hour before your event. The combination of alpha, followed by gamma, is supposed to create a state of peak mental preparation and performance. Just like any of the other brainwave patterns, too much of a dominant rhythm can cause problems.

Brainwave Entrainment - Create a customized gamma brainwave session at 40 Hz. which has been linked to the most powerful, positive effects which are currently associated with the gamma brainwave.

Getting a good night’s sleep - Gamma brainwave activity is present in Rapid-Eye Movement (REM) Sleep and is sometimes associated with dreaming. Getting a good night’s sleep is important for staying healthy; keeping a healthy, powerful brain. Gamma brain waves also increase the moment we awaken. Though we are in theta for most REM sleep, the gamma brainwave is present along with the theta. Most non-dream, deep sleep is linked to an increase in delta activity, whereas dream-sleep is mostly linked to gamma and theta activity.

The goal of most types of meditation is to lower the brain waves into the alpha-theta brainwave range. With that said, as you learn to become more aware and increase awareness of your brainwave state, your gamma brainwave activity will naturally increase. A very safe, healthy way to attempt to increase your gamma brain waves is to make the act of meditation a daily habit first thing in the morning.

Hypnosis / Self-hypnosis - The goal of all hypnosis and self-hypnosis programs is to target the lower brainwave ranges (i.e. alpha and theta) and implant new beliefs. Though you are slowing your brain waves, your concentration levels are skyrocketing as well. Only having large amounts of alpha and without gamma would make self-hypnosis very difficult and an ineffective practice. The more often you participate in self-hypnosis, the more your gamma brainwave amplitude will increase.

Yoga - Like meditation, yoga is yet another activity that promotes relaxation and well-being by shifting your brain waves and increasing your perception of reality. Brain waves of yogis have shown that they are able to increase their gamma brain waves to higher than average amounts. Though there are many different types of yoga, if they are practiced correctly, they can be utilized to increase awareness and gain valuable insight from within.

Gamma brain waves are very invigorating, and reality enhancing. They provide advanced focus, learning ability, and perception of consciousness. The gamma brainwave is a natural antidepressant. Create a customized 40 Hz gamma brainwave session to increase your gamma brainwave pattern and experience a boost to your brain power and take your brain to a higher level of functioning.